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Management and Functional Review of Petroleum Directorate 2018

August 01, 2018 -

Management and Functional Review Reports

Management and Functional Review of Petroleum Directorate 2018

Following the request by the Ministry of Finance for a review of six (6) Extra Budgetary Agencies, the Public Sector Reform Unit in collaboration with the Human Resource Management Office (HRMO) and the Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC) undertook a management and functional review of these agencies which include: Petroleum Regulatory Agency (PRA), Road Maintenance Fund Administration (RMFA), Environment Protection Agency (EPA), National Telecommunications Commission (NATCOM), Sierra Leone Maritime Administration (SLMA) and Petroleum Directorate (PD). The Review Team was tasked with the responsibility of conducting systems and processes review for these Agencies.

The methodology of the review for the Petroleum Directorate included meetings, interviews, desk review and administering of questionnaires for soliciting of information.

The Petroleum Exploration and Production Act 2001 as amended in 2011 led to the establishment of the Petroleum Directorate. The Act mandated the PD to monitor and regulate the upstream oil and gas sector.

The current organisational structure depicts the following units of varied specialised areas: Senior Petroleum Engineers (Geoscientist, Geologist and Geophysicist), Senior Petroleum Economist, Senior Legal Counsel, Monitoring and Compliance Manager, Accounting Manager, Admin Manager and Executive Assistant to the DG.

Though the Directorate is yet to realize its full staff complement, there has been a lot of progress in relation to staff fit. There has been a lot of training extended to Technical as well as non-Technical staff to enhance their career development.

The Directorate has job descriptions for each position. However, these job descriptions lack standardization. There is need for a review of these job descriptions to ensure standardization.

The Review Team noted that there are recruitment gaps and the need for more competitive recruitment process.

The Review Team also noted that the Asset Register presented was satisfactory as it provides information on date of purchase, description, location, cost, depreciation rate etc. However, it does 
