An official website of the Republic of Sierra Leone Government

Branches of the Government: Executive | Legislative | Judicial

Institutional Reforms

Institutional Reform (IR) Unit

The Institutional Reform Unit is responsible for leading the design, development and implementation of reform initiatives within the Public Service. This function involves assessing current institutional frameworks, identifying areas for improvement, and driving changes that enhance efficiency, transparency, and accountability in public service delivery.

The Unit is also responsible for the conduct, analysis and implementation of the recommendations of Management and Functional Reviews (MFRs), through systems and process reviews and other capacity building and Public Sector Reform initiatives.

Idrissa Koroma (Head Insitutional Reforms)

Idrissa Koroma was appointed Head Institutional Reforms Public Sector Reform Unit (PSRU) in March 2024. Before his appointment as Head, he served in the capacity as a Programme Officer, Institutional Reforms and as a Senior Monitoring and Evaluation Specialty in the Ministry of Agriculture and Food Security (MAFS). He had also worked at the Bank of Sierra Leone as a Senior Banking Officer from 2000 to 2005. Mr. Idrissa Koroma holds a double Master’s degree in Macro-Economic Policy for Transitional Economies; and Poverty Development in the Universities of Bradford and Manchester, UK respectively. He also holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Economics, Fourah Bay College (FBC) and a Diploma in Data Processing, IPAM University of Sierra Leone. He equally has several years of field and managerial experience in research, public sector management, project management, reporting, and general administration.