An official website of the Republic of Sierra Leone Government

Branches of the Government: Executive | Legislative | Judicial



The Public Sector Reform Unit (PSRU) provides leadership, coordination and technical backstopping in the strategic design, development, implementation, monitoring, evaluation, and reporting of all public sector reform programmes.  Having existed for over 20 years, the PSRU, initially the Governance Reform secretariat until it was transformed in 2008 under the Office of the President, has survived three (3) successive governments.

The Government of Sierra Leone has embarked on an ambitious programme to ‘Feed Salone’ – an initiative to boost agricultural productivity and ensure food security and inclusive economic growth. In the next five years (2023-2028), the Government will boost agriculture productivity to fuel inclusive growth, boost food production, reduce hunger, increase export earnings, create jobs, enhance the use and promote innovation to build a resilient nation. To ensure these objectives are attained, the GoSL has developed the fifth-generation Poverty Reduction Strategy document, outlining the strategies for the change, including Revamping the Public Service Architecture: Delivery, Efficiency and Professionalism (cluster 4).

In line with the new policy directives, PSRU provides relevant technical backstopping to MDAs and strengthens engagement with other policy environments within the more comprehensive public service. The PSRU looks forward to continuing to re-align its activities with the GoSL New Agenda on reforms as stated in Cluster 5 – ‘Revamping the Public Sector Architecture’.

Critical drivers to effect change

  • Identifies reform needs and opportunities
  • Plans and co-ordinates high-priority reform programmes in collaboration with relevant stakeholders
  • Provides strategic advice to the Leadership on Public Sector Reform Initiatives, policy and implementation issues
  • Establish contact with Development Partners to ensure that their professional inputs and financial resources are in line with the GoSL priorities established for public sector reform in Sierra Leone.

Current Activities