An official website of the Republic of Sierra Leone Government
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Branches of the Government: Executive | Legislative | Judicial
The Executive Chairman of Produce Monitoring Board, Mr. Raymond Katta has stated that the request for the conduct of a management and functional review stems from numerous challenges that are impeding their effectiveness.
Mr Raymond Katta pointed out that his reform background prompted his desire to transform and modernize the institution to deliver on its mandate.
With the transformation that has taken place at PSRU, I am strongly convinced that the institution has the human resource capacity to reinvigorate the Produce Monitoring Board.
The Director of PSRU, Mr Sulaiman Phoray Musa, commended the leadership for taking the bold step in requesting for an MFR as it demonstrated their vision and determination to enhance the effectiveness of the institution.
The Director noted that the MFR will reposition the Produce Monitoring Board in line with cluster 5.5 of the MTNDP 2024-2030, Revamping the Public Service Architecture.
In his presentation, the Head of Institutional Reforms, Mr Idrissa Koroma, revealed that the objectives of the MFR includes assessing the functional efficiency and effectiveness of the PMB in line with the MTNDP, review the position of the PMB within the government architecture and align PMB’s mandate, capacities to national sectorial strategies and policies.
Mr. Koroma highlighted the thematic areas of the MFR which are; Human Resources Management, Organizational Structure, Mandate and Functions, Sectorial Coordination and Collaboration, Assets and Equipment Management, Communications and ICT, Supervisory Framework of the PMB and its Partner Agencies.
According to Mr Koroma the methodology and approaches that will be used throughout the exercise are desk reviews, structured and semi structured interviews, focus group discussions and the administering of questionnaires among others.
The Director of Operations Mr. Didan Sankoh noted that PMB needs such exercises as it will serve as a tracker and also help in understanding the processes, procedures and how the PMB can progress. He assured PSRU that PMB is fully committed to support and collaborate in ensuring the MFR is successful.
The Chief of Programs, PSRU, Mr. Albert Wiliams expressed his excitement in the conduct of the MFR, stating that PMB is closely aligned with cluster 1 of MTNDP 2024 – 2030 Feed Salone which covers agriculture and food security.
He suggested changing the nomenclature from a board to an authority to give the institution the astuteness to undertake effective monitoring.
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