An official website of the Republic of Sierra Leone Government

Branches of the Government: Executive | Legislative | Judicial


PSRU Undates Parliamentarians On Public Sector Reform

PSRU Undates Parliamentarians On Public Sector Reform The Parliamentary Committee on Defence and Presidential Affairs met with officials of the Public Sector Reform Unit (PSRU) on Wednesday 23 June to abreast themselves with activities of the department, as part of their oversight responsibilities on the Ministries, Department and Agencies under their purview. The Honourable Patrick […]

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Commonwealth Forum for Government Ministries and Senior Civil Servants

Commonwealth Forum for Government Ministries and Senior Civil Servants The Public Sector Reform Unit (PSRU) in collaboration with the Governance and Institutional Development Division of the Commonwealth Secretariat will be organising a three-day forum of Government Ministers, Deputy Ministers and Permanent Secretaries on the priorities and operations of Government with a view to, amongst others, […]

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Foreign Affairs And International Cooperation Expressed Support For The On-Going Public Sector Reform

Foreign Affairs And International Cooperation Expressed Support for the On-Going Public Sector Reform Senior Officials of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation today, Tuesday 13 April 2010 committed themselves to effectively collaborating with the Public Sector Reform Unit (PSRU) to ensure full implementation of Civil Service Reform initiatives. This commitment was made during […]

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PSRU Meets Officials Of The Ministry Of Social Welfare, Gender And Children’s Affairs On The On-Going Public Sector Reform Programme

PSRU meets Officials of the Ministry of Social Welfare, Gender and Children’s Affairs On The on-going Public Sector Reform Programme The Public Sector Reform Unit (PSRU) continued its visitation to Ministries, Departments and Agencies today, Friday 9 April at the Ministry of Social Welfare, Gender and Children’s Affairs. Addressing the Permanent Secretary and Divisional Heads […]

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PSRU Holds Management Meeting With Ministry Of Defense On The Implementation Of The Management And Functional Review

PSRU Holds Management Meeting With Ministry Of Defense On The Implementation Of The Management And Functional Review The Public Sector Reform Unit (PSRU) meets with top management of the Ministry of Defense on the status of the recommendations contained in the Management and Functional Review and other reform initiatives. This is the fifth Ministry the […]

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PSRU Meets MDA’s on Implementation of MFR’s

PSRU Meets MDA’s on Implementation of MFR’s The Public Sector Reform Unit (PSRU) has commenced visitation to Ministries, Department and Agencies to ascertain the level of implementation of recommendations contained in the Management and Functional Review and other reform initiatives. Three Ministries have been visited since the commencement of the exercise on Thursday 18 March. […]

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Nation-wide Teacher Verification Exercise

Nation-wide Teacher Verification Exercise The Teachers’ Records Management Improvement Programme wishes to announce that it has nearly completed verification visits in the Freetown Urban Area and has commenced visits to the rural and peninsular schools. The verification Project is committed to interviewing every teacher delivering service in government and/or government-assisted schools in the country. The […]

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PSRU, HRMO dialogue with Energy and Power

PSRU, HRMO dialogue with Energy and Power The Teachers’ Records Management Improvement Programme wishes to announce that it has nearly completed verification visits in the Freetown Urban Area and has commenced visits to the rural and peninsular schools. The verification Project is committed to interviewing every teacher delivering service in government and/or government-assisted schools in […]

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RMIP Conducts Training Programmes for Top Civil Servants

RMIP Conducts Training Programmes for Top Civil Servants In keeping with its mandate to enhance the capacity of the Civil Service for quality service delivery in a timely manner, the Records Management Improvement Programme (RMIP) in the Public Sector Reform Unit (PSRU), is conducting a two-day training programme to enhance the capacity of top civil […]

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