An official website of the Republic of Sierra Leone Government

Branches of the Government: Executive | Legislative | Judicial

Forums Strengthening the Political – Administrative Relationship in Central and Local Governments

Following the successful programmes to strengthen the Political / Administrative relationships in the Central and Local Government held in 2011 by PSRU in collaboration with the Office of the Chief of Staff and the Ministry of Local Government and Rural Development, the PSRU will collaborate with the Governance and Institutional Development Division (GIDD) of the Commonwealth Secretariat in 2013 to continue it support to strengthen the Political /Administrative relationships of these two layers of government for role clarity, and to ensure that relationships are clearly defined and understood.


To orientate Ministers, Permanent Secretaries, Mayors, Chairmen and Chief Administrators to the priorities of government, so that they can understand the critical importance of their leadership role and effective political-administrative interface for the achievement of national development outcomes.


  • Understand and agree on the priority national outcomes that the government of Sierra Leone is currently focusing on, including: strengthening commitment and teamwork among Ministers, Permanent Secretaries, Mayors, Chairmen and Chief Administrators; the Agenda for Prosperity and the Public Sector Reform Programme.
  • Discuss and agree on the one hand on roles of Ministers, Permanent Secretaries, Mayors, Chairmen and Chief Administrators and how they can work together effectively and how they can effectively work with other branches of the State and other stakeholders.
  • Discuss the leadership and negotiatiation skills and values that will be required to transform the country.

Expected Outcome

  • Understanding the priority national outcomes that the GoSL seeks to achieve, and accountabilities clearly defined, understood and accepted;
  • Key leadership Values and Principles to guide Ministers, Permanent Secretaries, Mayors, Chairmen and Chief Administrators in the conduct of their duties defined, understood and agreed upon;
  • Strategies for effectively engaging other stakeholders in the National Development Agenda defined.