An official website of the Republic of Sierra Leone Government
Branches of the Government: Executive | Legislative | Judicial
Branches of the Government: Executive | Legislative | Judicial
The leadership of the National Assets and Government’s Property Commission requested for Management and Functional Reviews (MFR) to address its major administrative challenges and structural deficiencies including severe shortage of qualified, well-trained and well-remunerated personnel. This report presents results of the review with recommendations proffered to particularly address the stated problems. Most importantly, the review proposes measures to improve on the existing situation and to also restore efficiency in delivery service to the people of Sierra Leone.
This review was undertaken by the Public Sector Reform Unit with complementary support of the Human Resource Management Office. The exercise was focused on modernizing the Asset and property register component of the Commission supported by effective records management system that can be linked to different sector utilizing Government assets and property in and out of Sierra Leone; which necessitate active partnership and collaborative engagement with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation.
This justified the need for new strategies, new policies, modern ICT system and a purposeful human capacity drive to overhaul the entire operational and management culture of the Commission. It will also require a continued dedication to coordination and collaborative engagement with other Ministries, Departments and Agencies (MDAs), particularly with the Ministry of Works and Public Assets, where functional overlaps exist.
The review team noted that the present organization structure of the Commission needs reviewing to enable it discharge its mandate and functions effectively owing to the lack operational machinery for effective policy implementation. Where planning and policy implementation exists it is ad hoc, reactive and does not provide direction or support for management of the Commission.
An appropriate organizational structure has been recommended for adoption by the Commission. The qualities and characteristics of the recommended structure have been outlined and discussed with the top echelon of the Commission who has accepted its merits. Furthermore, the recommended structure complies with the Architecture of a modernized Assets and property management Commission. PSRU is hopeful that the recommended structure is based on the specialized and unique nature of the Commission and the mandate assigned to it
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