An official website of the Republic of Sierra Leone Government
Branches of the Government: Executive | Legislative | Judicial
Branches of the Government: Executive | Legislative | Judicial
This report presents findings, analysis and recommendations of the Management and Functional Review (MFR) of the Ministry of Youth Affairs (MoYA), conducted by the Public Sector Reform Unit (PSRU) which is the government agency mandated to reform and modernize the entire Public Sector. The key focus of the functional review was to assess the management and functional fitness of the Ministry to effectively deliver on its broad mandate. In particular, the MFR process was mechanised to also examine the Ministry’s organizational structure, systems and processes. The impetus for this MFR was the ‘de-merger’ of the erstwhile Ministry of Youth and Sports through a Presidential directive into the Ministry of Youth. This decision reinforces government’s commitment to youth empowerment and development as articulated in the National Development Plan. In terms of methodology, the MFR team employed both the structured and semi-structured approaches which included Key Informant Interviews (KIIs), Focus Group Discussions (FDGs) and administration of questionnaires. Preceding the process was an inception meeting with the leadership of the ministry to discuss and agree on the scope, methodology, timelines and focal person. The key outcome of the process is the realignment of the organizational structure, and critical recommendations to address the systems/process and procedure gaps identified. In essence, as a result of this process, the Ministry will be repositioned and its systems recalibrated to enhance its service delivery performance.
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