An official website of the Republic of Sierra Leone Government

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Progress Report extension March 2008 – Dec 2009

December 31, 2014 -

Annual Reports

Progress Report extension March 2008 – Dec 2009

The Public Sector Reform Programme which commenced in March 2008 was designed to rebuild the Government of Sierra Leone’s capacity to provide services and enhance the welfare of its citizens by strategically implementing a number of key public service reform programmes through the Public Sector Reform Unit (PSRU). Phase II of the GSRRP came to an end in February 2008, and Government in conjunction with its development partners developed a new programme with emphasis on coordination and deeper implementation. The new government led by H.E. the President Dr Ernest Bai Koroma is committed to revamping the Public Service for improved service delivery. To that end, in January 2008, His Excellency demonstrated strong political will by creating the Public Sector Reform Unit (PSRU) as an integral part of the Office of the President to provide leadership, coordination and strategic guidance in the implementation and monitoring of the government’s Public Sector Reform programme.
