An official website of the Republic of Sierra Leone Government
Branches of the Government: Executive | Legislative | Judicial
Branches of the Government: Executive | Legislative | Judicial
The Steering Committee on Public Sector Reform has approved the Management and Functional report of four critical Ministries, Department and Agencies, MDAs.
One of the key objectives of the Steering committee is to serve as a critical platform to identify reform challenges and gaps and ensure timely and influential intervention for the effective implementation of proffered recommendations.
In his opening remarks Mr Emmanuel Gaima spoke of the significant role of the Steering Committee in enhancing the performance of Ministries Departments and Agencies through the approval of MFRs reports with its attendant recommendations.
The Director of Public Sector Reform Unit, Mr Sulaiman Phoray Musa, states that some of the reasons for the conduct of MFR includes; duplication of functions in MDAs for possible cost savings, enhance good governance, productivity, assess functional efficiency and functionality of MDAs in alignment of the Medium Term National Development Plan.
Mr Musa presented the findings and recommendations of four MFR which includes Independent Commission for Peace and National Cohesion, National Investment Board, Sierra Leone Civil Aviation Authority and Sierra Leone Maritime Administration.
Amongst the four MFR that were presented, three have been approved and one of them is pending.
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