An official website of the Republic of Sierra Leone Government

Branches of the Government: Executive | Legislative | Judicial

Mohamed Jalloh

World Bank Approves US$17 Million For Pay Reform And Performance Management

World Bank Approves US$17 Million For Pay Reform And Performance Management A Government Delegation led by Dr. Julius F. Sandy has successfully concluded negotiations with the World Bank in Washington D.C for support to Government’s Public Sector Reform Programme, i.e., Improving Productivity through Management and Pay Reforms. This support focuses on full-scale implementation of three […]

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Nationwide Teacher Verification Exercise Commences September

Nationwide Teacher Verification Exercise Commences September The Records Management Improvement Team contracted by the Government of Sierra Leone through the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology to undertake nationwide teacher verification met with stakeholders at the Ministry’s conference room of Thursday 1 September. Addressing the meeting on the need to address the age old problem […]

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Public Sector Reform Gains Momentum As European Union Approves €10.5 Million For Civil Service Reform

Public Sector Reform Gains Momentum As European Union Approves €10.5 Million For Civil Service Reform Within the framework of the existing Public Sector Reform Programme, the European Commission has approved the sum of Euro 10.5 million towards the on-going Civil Service and other Institutional Reform initiatives in Sierra Leone. It would be recalled that in […]

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PSRU Commences Third Quarter Monitoring of MDA’s on Implementation of Public Sector Reform Initiatives

PSRU Commences Third Quarter Monitoring of MDA’s on Implementation of Public Sector Reform Initiatives The Public Sector Reform Unit (PSRU) has commenced THE Third Quarter monitoring of Ministries, Department and Agencies to facilitate implementation of recommendations of the Management and Functional Reviews and other reform initiatives. The objectives of this exercise will among others include, […]

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PSRU Commenced Quarterly Monitoring Visits to MDA’s

PSRU Commenced Quarterly Monitoring Visits to MDA’s The Public Sector Reform Unit (PSRU) has commenced visitation to Ministries, Department and Agencies to ascertain the level of implementation of recommendations contained in the Management and Functional Review and other reform initiatives. The exercise according to, Dr. Julius Sandy, Director, PSRU, is to among other things, monitor […]

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Liberian Delegation Visits Sierra Leone To Learn About Records Management

Liberian Delegation Visits Sierra Leone To Learn About Records Management Sierra Leone’s success in the field of records and archives management has aroused interest across the West African region. A delegation from Liberia’s Centre for National Documents and Records Management Agency (CNDRA) was in Freetown from 6-10 June to study Sierra Leone’s achievements in records […]

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UNDP, PSRU Sign MOU The Annual Work Plan of the UNDP to the value of US$ 600,000 has been signed by Madam Mia Seppo, Country Director UNDP and Dr. Julius Sandy, Director Public Sector Reform Unit, for improved governance, efficient and effective service delivery in the public sector as outlined in the PSRP II, the […]

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UNDP, PSRU Sign 2011 Annual Work On Public Sector Reform

UNDP, PSRU Sign 2011 Annual Work On Public Sector Reform The Annual Work Plan of the UNDP to the value of US$ 600,000 has been signed by Madam Mia Seppo, Country Director UNDP and Dr. Julius Sandy, Director Public Sector Reform Unit, for improved governance, efficient and effective service delivery in the public sector as […]

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